Questions and Answers

We have an open ear for your questions and concerns. Please contact us for more information.

  • What is TCM?

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) comprises a system of health care which originated in China around 5,000 years ago. It is a comprehensive system for the assessment and treatment of acute and chronic disorders, and can also used for preventative health care and maintenance. Simply put, TCM promotes the body's ability to heal itself and includes acupuncture, moxabustion, herbs, qi gong, and tuina massage.

    Of the various modalities TCM practitioners use, acupuncture has captured the attention of the world and is one of the most popular natural treatment methods today. While acupuncture is based on energy pathways (“meridians“) and the Chinese concept of qi (loosely translated as "energy") its effect on physiological function is also supported by scientific evidence.

  • Does acupuncture hurt?

    Acupuncture needles are quite different from the hypodermic needle that a nurse or doctor might use. First of all, they are solid and not hollow, and they are also much thinner—about the diameter of a human hair. For these reasons, acupuncture generally does not hurt. Some people feel the needles as they go in, while other people feel nothing. Patients often have various sensations during the treatment, including a dull ache, a release, and sometimes tingling.

  • How many treatments do I need?

    While each case and condition is treated individually, a series of four to ten treatments is typically necessary to resolve most conditions. On the whole, degenerative diseases require more treatments and take longer to stabilize. Normally 1-2 treatments per week are recommended, and for very acute conditions, 3 times per week. 

    The recommended number of treatments to improve your condition will be discussed with your therapist at the end of your first appointment.

    For maintenance or prevention, a treatment every 4 to 6 weeks is often recommended.

  • How much does a treatment cost and does health insurance pay?

    Price is 130 CHF per treatment.

    One treatment last approximately 60 minutes and all modalities provided during the session are included. 

    Thaddeus Ekdahl is accepted by all major health insurance providers in Switzerland. 

    We recommend checking with your insurance provider first about which costs are covered.

Further questions? 

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